This week we’re exploring the Blogosphere. As you’ll see from this tweet by @AcademicsSay, blogging can provoke strong reactions: Is it a vital platform in the 21st century? Or the exclusive preserve of those who have plenty of time on their hands? Well, blogging certainly does take many hours of dedicated effort. Fortunately, though, youRead More
23 Things – #1: Twitter
Twitter isn’t just about telling the world what you’ve had for lunch. It’s actually an effective way of promoting your research, finding useful information, and building a community. By employing a few simple techniques, you can transform Twitter from a timesink into an essential tool. In this post, we’ll look at some ways of makingRead More
23 Things – Introduction
23 Things is a digital education and learning project created by Helen Blowers of the Charlotte Mecklenburg Library. Originally it was designed as a way of encouraging librarians to learn and embrace new technologies. We’ve adapted it to help CHASE students and staff feel more confident in exploring and using digital tools. Starting on 5thRead More