In last week’s Thing, we looked at creating videos. As you’ll have seen, it’s easy to produce some great content with a little bit of time and effort. The same is true with images. Even if you’re not particularly artistic, some of the 21st-century tools can help you produce eye-catching graphics in a matter of moments.Read More
23 Things – #7: Creating Videos
In last week’s Thing, we explored vlogging and vodcasting – two highly personal forms of visual media. What are the alternatives if you lack the appetite for appearing on screen? In today’s post, we’ll investigate two ways of turning your existing content into video. Using free software, you can take your blog posts or PowerPointRead More
23 Things – #6: Vlogging & Vodcasting
The internet is awash with perplexing neologisms, and this week we’re going to look at two of them: vlogging and vodcasting. As you might have guessed, anything that begins with v relates to video. In this case, they’re the visual equivalents of blogging and podcasting, which we’ve looked at in previous weeks. What’s the advantageRead More