Past training & development activities
Please find below the training programmes that took place in 2013/14. Useful resources are available within each, please follow the links below.
After the Archive
‘After the Archive’ was an AHRC-funded skills development programme aimed at doctoral students and early career researchers who have recently returned from archival work, in particular those researching understudied twentieth-century subjects. Rather than focusing on the practicalities of navigating the archive or interrogating and theorising conceptions of ‘the archive’, the programme will explore the challenges of sharing neglected archival material. It aims to teach innovative strategies for sharing the archive with non-specialist audiences, thereby securing the accessibility and longevity of archival ‘finds’ that do not neatly fit the contours of established academic publishing.
To find out more visit After the Archive on the University of East Anglia website
Becoming a Public Intellectual
‘Becoming a Public Intellectual’ was an innovative research skills training programme funded by the AHRC. Starting in October 2013, the programme was aimed at researchers seeking influence beyond the university sector, to speak to the concerns and interests of a broader public and to set the agenda for the developments in the cultural and creative sectors. Through a series of one-day workshops involving academics expert in public engagement as well as representatives from a number of cultural and media organisations, students developed skills in effective engagement with television, radio and the press and also learned how to maximise their influence via collaboration with a range of partners.
Creative Minds – Entrepreneurial Skills
‘Creative Minds – Entrepreneurial Skills’ delivered practical and innovative training to enable arts and humanities doctoral students and ECRs to discover their own entrepreneurial abilities and build up their knowledge of the creative processes which lead to venturing activity in the broadest sense of the term. This programme offered participants the opportunity to learn about and engage in the application of a mix of creative and business skills which can be applied to a variety of settings. For more information please visit the Creative Minds – Entrepreneurial Skills website.
For more information please visit the Creative Minds – Entrepreneurial Skills website
Humanities in Human Rights
‘Humanities in Human Rights’ was designed for postgraduate and early career researchers in the arts, humanities and social sciences who are committed to understanding the politics of humanity and human rights today. Beginning in October 2013, the programme includes a residential weekend taught by CHASE faculty, topic specific workshops and a showcase of research in London.
For more information please visit Humanities in Human Rights website
Material Witness
‘Material Witness’ was an innovative interdisciplinary training programme for emerging scholars in the CHASE consortium whose research involves the interpretation of physical artefacts. The overarching purpose of the programme is to sharpen participants’ ability to interpret objects, and to deepen their understanding of profound relationships between material and meaning, message and medium. The programme consists of four plenary events, and a series of expert-led study days and residential workshops providing privileged access to people, places and objects, and to techniques and technologies for analysing many different types of object.
Visit the Material Witness website
More information can be found here.
Researching the contemporary moral landscape
‘Researching the contemporary moral landscape: concepts, methods and approaches to public engagement’ An intensive residential training programme for doctoral students and early career researchers run by the Centre for Religion and Contemporary Society, University of Kent in conjunction with the RSA. For more information please visit the Researching the contemporary moral landscape resource pages.