Forming part of the University of Sussex’s Centre of American Studies interdisciplinary Subsurface Ecologies Symposium, CHASE will be supporting a roundtable discussion titled “How to Get Published in the Environmental Humanities.” Led by noted experts in the across a range of relevant fields. The panel will draw on their experience in order to demystify the publishing process for participants with the aim of aiding them in publishing their work. This will include insight into the processes of abstract and proposal preparation, editing the paper and the peer-review process and copy-editing following acceptance.
There will also be discussion of how students can best place their essays within the field, especially which journals to target for a given paper. While the focus of the roundtable will predominantly be focused on journal articles across disciplines, space will also be given for guidance on how students can edit their final theses into a book manuscript and ways to get manuscripts published within the environmental humanities.
Following the initial discussion within the roundtable, opportunity will be given, should participants wish to, to present possible work and reflect on how they might begin to move towards publishing their work. This will be followed by a Q&A session.
In addition to the roundtable, attendees will be able to access the remainder of the Subsurface Ecologies conference, which will feature three panels and a final plenary paper by Dana Luciano.