Believe it or not, one of H G Wells’ predictions has almost come true. No, not the one about aliens landing in Weybridge, but his dream of a digital library: The time is close at hand when any student, in any part of the world, will be able to sit with his projector in hisRead More
open source
23 Things – #17: Referencing
Bibliographic referencing certainly isn’t the most exciting part of academic research, but it’s absolutely vital. Although getting everything in the right format and order is unspeakably dull, there are many tools out there that will make your academic life much easier. You’ll need to invest a bit of time upfront, but you’ll be very gladRead More
23 Things – #9: Finding, Organising, and Curating Images
As researchers, we’re very good at amassing research material. Where we often struggle, though, is organising and presenting it effectively. This can be especially difficult with visual content. In this week’s Thing, we’ll discuss finding, organising, and curating images. You’ll learn about some great online archives and a couple of excellent tools to help youRead More
23 Things – #8: Creating Images
In last week’s Thing, we looked at creating videos. As you’ll have seen, it’s easy to produce some great content with a little bit of time and effort. The same is true with images. Even if you’re not particularly artistic, some of the 21st-century tools can help you produce eye-catching graphics in a matter of moments.Read More